Chinguitty Voyages - Nouakchott, Mauritania
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Hotel name
Chinguitty Voyages
Nouakchott – Ksar – Ilot C - n°298, Mauritania
Contact number
Mobile phone
(222) 45 25 2336
Website address
Establishment year 2003
Employees 11-15
Registration code 4524/088
VAT registration 12009874416
E-mail address
Company description
Travel and Adventures in Mauritania and West Africa
Sahara desert 4x4 tours in Mauritania
Cultural tours in Mauritania , west Africa
4x4 travel between the ocean and the desert of Mauritania.
Trekking tours with the camels , Mauritania , west Africa
Fishing tours in the Atlantic ocean beach , Mauritania , west Africa
Hunting tours for warthogs and birds , Mauritania , west Africa
Stays incentive for companies or communities.
The organization of sports competitions, 4x4, run, quad, mountain biking, hiking, marathons, half marathons and other activities.
Car rentals in Mauritania
Hotel booking in Mauritania , Hotel Booking in Nouakchott
And other activities and tours.
Sahara desert 4x4 tours in Mauritania
Cultural tours in Mauritania , west Africa
4x4 travel between the ocean and the desert of Mauritania.
Trekking tours with the camels , Mauritania , west Africa
Fishing tours in the Atlantic ocean beach , Mauritania , west Africa
Hunting tours for warthogs and birds , Mauritania , west Africa
Stays incentive for companies or communities.
The organization of sports competitions, 4x4, run, quad, mountain biking, hiking, marathons, half marathons and other activities.
Car rentals in Mauritania
Hotel booking in Mauritania , Hotel Booking in Nouakchott
And other activities and tours.
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